Thursday 5 February 2015

Surface Analysis

(1)Analysis Zebra

Projects parallel lines onto a model to help you analize surface continuty. The way the stripes line up where two surfaces meet helps analyze the tangency and curvature of the intersection.

1. Type          ANALYSISZEBRA at the command prompt.
                      Command: analysiszebra

(2)Analysis Curvature

Displays a color gradient onto a surface so you can evaluate the high and low areas of curvature.

1. Type          ANALYSISCURVATURE at the command prompt.
                      Command: analysiscurvature 

(3)Analysis Draft

Displays a color gradient onto a surface so you can evaluate if a model has adequate draft between a part and its mould.

1. Type          ANALYSISDRAFT at the command prompt.
                      Command: analysisdraft 

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