Tuesday 3 February 2015

Sweep Command

                  With the SWEEP command, you can create a new solid or surface by sweeping an open or closed planar curve(profile) along an open or closed 2D or 3D path. SWEEP draws a solid or surface in the shape of the specified profile along the specified path. You can sweep more than one object, but they all must lie on the same plane.
Command entry: sweep

The procedure for Sweep as follows:

1. Open           a drawing with 2D objects to sweep and display in 3D view.
2. Type           SWEEP at the command prompt
                        Command: sweep
                       Select objects to sweep: Pick Arc
                       Select objects to sweep: ENTER
                       Select sweep path or [Alignment/Base point/Scale/Twist]: Pick path

When you select an object to sweep, it is automatically aligned to the object that is used as the path.

EX 2:-

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