Friday 13 February 2015

Animation Paths

  1. Open             a drawing with 3D objects (Ex: sweep obj) and display in 3d view
  2. Draw             a line or polyline representing a path for an animation
  3. Choose         View, Motion Path Animation                                                                                                                            (or)
  4. Type              ANIPATH at the command prompt                                                                                              Command: anipath
  5. Select            path under the link camera to: option 
  6. Click              the line or polyline path
  7. Type              path1 as the default path name
  8. Select            path under the link target to: Option 
  9. Click             on the line or polyline path
  10. Type             path2 as the default path name
  11. Change        other animation settings such as the frames per second, duration, resolution, etc.,
  12. Choose        the preview button to preview your animation
  13. Close            the animation preview and click OK to create an animation file
  14. Play              Your animation a pc or macintosh video review application such as Media player or quick time

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