Wednesday 11 February 2015

Edge Surfaces

This command is used to form surfaces taking edges as its reference. For this select four adjoining edges the define the mesh. The edges can be lines, arcs, splines, or open polylines. The edges must touch at their endpoints to form a single, closed loop.

Command entry: edgesurf
1. Type        EDGESURF at the command prompt
                     Command: edgesurf
                     Profile creation mode: Surface
                    Select object 1 for surface edge: P1
                    Select object 2 for surface edge: P2
                    Select object 3 for surface edge: P3
                    Select object 4 for surface edge: P4

We can select the four edges in any order. The first edge (SURFTAB1) determines the M direction of the generated mesh, which extends from the end point closest to the selection point to the other end. The two edges that touch the first edge form the N edges (SURFTAB2) of the mesh.

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